Advisory Governors

Ravenscourt Park Preparatory School benefits from having an Advisory Governing Body. This comprises an elected Teacher Governor, elected Parent Governor and a number of individuals chosen for their experience in business and education, one of whom acts as the Chair Person.

The governing body meets once a term to discuss all matters relating to the school and its future and to pass on advice to the Headmaster and proprietors of Ravenscourt Park Preparatory School (Gardener Schools' Group Ltd). The Advisory Governors have no financial oversight over the school and do not manage the school but are there to put forward an independent point of view.

Please note that the Parent Governor is the spokesperson for parents. He or she can be approached to deal with your queries and raise educational or non-educational matters with the Governing Body. The Advisory Governors Constitution is available upon request at the school office and contact details are viewable to parents within the Parent Portal.